Japan/Switzerland 1989
erotic and violent story taken from Emily Bronte's classic novel takes place in medieval Japan instead of 19th-century Yorkshire.
Onimaru (Yasaku Matsuda)
is an orphan boy taken in by a group of priests who worship the Mountain Of Fire and try to appease the gods of anger. He
loves Kinu (Yuko Tanaka),
the beautiful daughter of a local family. When she marries an heir to a rival family, his heart is broken. When she dies in
childbirth, Onimaru loses what is left of his mind. ~ Dan Pavlides.
CAST FOR 'Arashi Ga Oka'
Yusaku Matsuda - Onimauru Yuko Tanaka - Kinu Tatsuo Nakaka - Mitauhiko Eri
Ishida - Tae Nagare Hagiwara - Hidemaru Keiko Itoh- Shoino Masao Imafuku - Ichi Tokuko Sugiyama - Sato Shun
Ueda - Suka Tomoko Takaba - Kinu - Daughter Masato Furuoya - Yoshimaru Rentaro Mikuni - Takamaru
Toru Takemitsu - Composer (Music Score) Yoshiro Muraki - Art Director Emily
Brontė - Book Author Tadaaki Shimada - Sound/Sound Designer